B.SC + M.SC in Horticulture
Development of the Horticultural Expertise is one of the three main mandates of the University. To meet the technical manpower required for the Horticulture Industry, a three-tier system of education is drawn with emphasis on the following:
- To start certificate and diploma courses to impart skill and working knowledge. i.e. Know-How to Do-How aspects for unemployed youths.
- Plan/Start field experiments of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students work in farmer’s fields rather than in the Department plots alone.
- Selecting important, need based, location specific, and farmer friendly research programs for Post-graduate students, resulting into a useful findings/information that would be adopted by farmers at large.
- Technology Validation and Demonstration follow every research finding on E-3 formula basis.
- Establishment of large-scale demonstration plots at the campus with farmer’s participation for creation of awareness.
- To make students for farm/orchard management and economic use of resources by attaching students for 2-3 months with progressive farmers/entrepreneurs.
- Proper and strategic placement of the students in Horticulture industries for skill development.
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